At we harness our expertise to meet our clients' investment needs

Our business is structured around a number of strategic capabilities, which combine to meet a variety of client requirements.


At, we recognize the importance of keeping your funds safe at all times. It is vital to choose your broker wisely. This means that you must observe how Forex brokers are ensuring that your deposits are safe. That is why we have made the safety of your funds a FUNDAMENTAL PILLAR of our operation.

We strive to take all the necessary steps to ensure your funds are safe, along with the highest level of protection over them. That is why all our traders funds are separately administered from our own and held in segregated accounts in Tier 1 international banks.

  • Data Security
  • Segregated Accounts
  • Tier 1 Banks

Quite often, the best way to judge a firm’s financial integrity is by its reputation and the commitment it shows to its clients through its service and business decisions. Our devotion to our clients has made our firm a respected industry leader. Investors must be prudent in regard to where they hold their funds, and it is vital to consider the integrity of the firm and its management when making one’s decision.

Compliance with Laws & Regulations

All employees are responsible for adhering to all the relevant laws and regulations, as well as the rules and principles outlined in the Code of Conduct. Employees must ensure that they are familiar with the laws, regulations, best business practices, and the required ethical conduct which is befitting for being a employee.


During daily business activities, employees are privileged to client information relating to account details, trade practices & patterns, fees & revenues, marketing practices, etc. Employees are required to keep this information confidential. This means they are not permitted to disclose this information to any third-party unless they are legally permitted to do so.

Anti-Money Laundering

Money laundering is highly forbidden here at and we are always working towards eliminating these actions. In order to do so, we have a number of policies in place in order to prevent this unlawful act.

These include:

  • Ensuring clients have valid proof of identification.
  • Requiring the client to provide valid utility bills for proof of residence.
  • Maintaining records of identification information.
  • Determining that clients are not known or suspected terrorists by checking their names against lists of known or suspected terrorists.
  • Informing clients that the information they provide may be used to verify their identity.
  • Not accepting cash, money orders, exchange houses transfers or Western Union transfers.
  • Not accepting money from countries on terror watch lists, such as Iran, North Korea, Yemen, and Syria.
  • Money laundering occurs when funds from an illegal/criminal activity are moved through the financial system. It is moved in such a way as to make it appear that the funds have come from legitimate sources.

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